Motivational Greg on The Regret Hair

Not a month after I have given birth I felt uneasy about my hair. I felt like I was ready for a change. See, I have kept my mane long for three years and remember that the only adventurous style I went for was a layered cut. Other than that, the occasional trims and blow outs were enough to keep me satisfied.

The Mane Reasons

To go with my inexperience, I thought it proper to cut my hair the same length as my experience in motherhood. But I wasn’t ready to go bald. I just didn’t have the proper head shape for it. Another reason that I thought valid was I couldn’t wash my hair as often as needed to keep it tidy. I felt like I was nursing 24/7 and barely had time to do much else. It was the early days and I was overwhelmed by the sudden turnaround of the order of my day. Everything around me felt too much. My hair included. I read that some women experience post-partum hair loss that they decide to minimize the appearance of fall-outs by getting a haircut. I thought to myself, I might as well get ready for that too.

Tressgic Makeovers

Armed with these reasons and copious amounts of photos of women whose hair I thought I’d look good in, I went to get myself the haircut of my dreams. Positive that it won’t be so hard to get what I want, I didn’t hesitate when I picked the hair salon closest to our place. I would come to regret that decision the moment I would see how the stylist did his magic on my hair.

My mother saw that I was unhappy so she sought to alleviate the situation. She volunteered to repair it and get it to the length that I want. She was confident she could do it after staying up late to watch Youtube videos on styling hair. Convinced that she could, I gave her the free reins. We couldn’t have picked a more auspicious date to do it, the Halloween. Because as it turns out, I ended up feeling like I have the hair fitting for the occasion.

Filled with regret about how I hastily made drastic changes, I sought for Greg’s opinion. It may not be as bad as I think it is, I thought. But Greg only confirmed the nagging feeling I have of the new hair by saying, “It will grow back.”


Eli at 3 Months


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